What is the ticker symbol and stock exchange for Union Pacific Corporation?

Union Pacific Corporation is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "UNP."

What is the CUSIP number for Union Pacific common stock?

The CUSIP is: 907818108

Where can I get information regarding bonds and other debt information?

Contact Connor Mele in the Union Pacific Corporate Treasury Office at (402) 544-0032 or send an email.

Who is Union Pacific's transfer agent and how do I contact the agent?

Union Pacific's transfer agent is Computershare Investor Services and can be contacted at (800) 317-2512.

When does Union Pacific release its earnings?

Union Pacific's fiscal year end is December 31. Financial results typically are released three to four weeks following the end of the quarter. See our Earnings Release section for specific dates.

Where can I find Union Pacific's latest financial information including 10Q, 10K and annual reports?

Our published financial information can be found on our website. To view Union Pacific's recent filings, visit our Online Investors Kit or visit our annual report and SEC filings pages.

Does Union Pacific have a mailing list for financial information?

Yes. Union Pacific has an email mailing list to receive a notification of earnings releases and to receive a copy of the press release and supplemental financial statements on the date of the release. To sign up to receive these notifications, go to our Investor email notification page.

How can I buy, sell, or transfer my Union Pacific stock?

If the stock is owned under your name, contact our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services , at (800) 317-2512. If the stock is owned through a brokerage firm (held in “street name”), contact your financial advisor.

Does Union Pacific have a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP)?

Yes. Union Pacific does have an automatic dividend reinvestment plan with a voluntary cash payment feature. For more information visit our DRIP Web page or contact our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services, at (800) 317-2512 to request an enrollment form.

What should I do if my stock certificates are lost or stolen?

Contact our transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services, at (800) 317-2512 if your stock certificates are lost or stolen.

Does Union Pacific issue dividends? What is the dividend history?

Union Pacific pays quarterly dividends on its common stock. Please see the dividend history section for information on recent dividends.

Will I receive a 1099-DIV if my dividends are reinvested?

Yes. Shareholders will receive a 1099-DIV and the amount will be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

I did not receive my dividend check. Who should I call?

If you do not receive your dividend check within 15 business days after the payment date or your check is lost or destroyed, notify Computershare Investor Services at (800) 317-2512.

I receive multiple dividend checks and duplicate mailings. How do I consolidate multiple accounts?

If the stock is owned under your name, contact Computershare Investor Services at (800) 317-2512. If the stock is owned through a brokerage firm (held in "street name"), contact your financial advisor.

How many stock splits has Union Pacific had?

Union Pacific has had seven stock splits. The most recent stock split was a 2-for-1 stock split on June 6, 2014.

Where can I find cost basis information on Union Pacific stock?

Your cost basis is usually determined at the date of purchase. Stock splits, dividend reinvestments, and stock distributions can impact your cost basis. If you owned shares of Union Pacific Corporation on September 26, 1996, you received a special stock dividend of Union Pacific Resources Group, Inc. shares. The sale of Overnite Transportation Company in 2003 did not impact your cost basis.

When is Union Pacific's Annual Meeting of Shareholders?

The annual meeting of shareholders is held in May each year. Please see the Shareholder Services section for details.